Translator Team
Getting the message through Translation tools
We believe accuracy is paramount when translating documents, e-mails, presentations, handouts which must be as free from ambiguity as possible. The art of interpretation is the key to good translation. You'll get a translation that takes into account not only the meaning of your copy, but the context in which it will appear.
We use the latest language translation memory tools.

We don't use robots. We have talented, professional translators and extensive databases. So you'll get outstanding, idiomatically correct translations. Quickly.
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English, Hungarian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Russian
Outsourcing target location: Budapest, Hungary
German newspaper Die Presse reported that the best target location for outsourcing intellectual activities requiring high quality output like translation services is Budapest.

'Wenn es um die Auslagerung von qualitativ hochwertigen Arbeitsprozessen - wie ... \bersetzungsarbeiten - geht... der beste Standort ist demnach Budapest, weil es die Hauptkriterien am besten erf|llt.

Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine aktuelle Studie der Unternehmensberater Capgemini Consulting und Jenewein & Partner.

July 9, 2004 Die'
Here's a sample translation...see for yourself...
magyar English
A panzis
The Guest-house
Giardino, a tornacos, otthonosan baratsagos panzis, Balatongyvrvk fuutcajarsl nymlik. 16 szobajaval varja a pihenisre is kikapcsolsdasra vagys vendigeket. K|lvnlegessige kortars kipzum{viszek alkotasainak allands kiallmtasa. Hangulatos, mediterran kertjiben, ezerszmn{ viragok kvzvtt teljesen atadhatja magat a pihenisnek. Ha mar elege van a napfinybul, a vmzbul is a f|rduzuk larmajabsl, itt, a fak arnyikaban vagy a terasz tarka napernyui alatt h{svlve csvnd is nyugalom varja.
Giardino is a cozy, friendly, homely guest-house with a large terrace opening off the main street of Balatongyvrvk. It has just 16 rooms ready to accommodate any visitor who is seeking rest and relaxation. Amongst its many attractions is a permanent exhibition of the works of contemporary artists. The exquisite Mediterranean-style garden is a riot of color, its flowers and scents help ensure that our visitors are completely relaxed. When you have had enough of the sun, the water, and the hub-bub of the beach, you will find peace and serenity awaiting you beneath the cool, multi-colored umbrellas on the terrace.

A panzist mintegy 500 miter valasztja el a parttsl - szallasa kvzel lesz a Balatonhoz, migis tavol a strand mindennapi forgatagatsl. A legszebb fvldszinti szobakhoz k|lvn bejaratz minikert tartozik: a termiszet egy darabkaja maganhasznalatra. Ibredis utan kiadss reggelit szolgalunk fel, is segmtukisz szemilyzet gondoskodik arrsl, hogy nyaralasa valsban kellemes, gondtalan legyen.
The guest-house is approximately 500 meters from the shore - your accommodation will be close to Lake Balaton, whilst remaining secluded from the everyday hustle and bustle of the beach. The finest ground floor rooms open out onto their very own little garden: a small oasis of nature just for you! A hearty breakfast is served each morning, and our helpful staff will make sure that your time here is pleasant and trouble-free.
Contact us for a quote
1103 Budapest, Koir kvz 24, Hungary
Phone: +36 309 826 286
Fax: +361 2608339
USeFax: (509) 694-8650

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